Info and Lyric

All I Want for Christmas

Music and Lyric by David W. Jacobsen
Copyright 2022 - 2023. All Rights Reserved.

I don't want too much this season
I just want to be
How I was even last week
Sleeping easily
But my head's ablaze
And my nose is stuffed
Everything's askew
All I want for Christmas
Is to not have the flu

We've festive décor
But my fever's 104
This year we'd best not share
If I wanna deck a hall
I'm gonna need some Tylenol
Of my germs you'd best beware

There won't be a silent night
With me coughing up a freight
And the virus lurking all around
I'll just write some checks
While I take some Mucinex
And I'll stay housebound

Once again it's the season
It's usually such fun
To dine and drink and be together
But this year my nose will run
I'm lying in bed, feeling half dead
I don't need a gift that's new
All I want for Christmas
Is to not have the flu

Under the mistletoe
I won't kiss you
Cause I need another tissue

I don't appreciate snow flakes
Cause my body really aches
And all I want to do is rest
There are carolers at the door
But my throat is really sore
And I've a fire in my chest

It's a time for joy and thrills
But all I have are chills
As my teeth chatter while I lie
Shivering under blankets
With drool and night sweats
While I wave this year goodbye

Though I usually love this season
For it I have affection
I cannot share the joy
Without sharing my infection
Count the days 'til January
The year is almost through
And all I want for Christmas
Is to not have the flu

Another humorous Christmas song (that mentions a humor). I actually had the flu for Christmas and wrote this shortly after as an obvious parody of Mariah Carey's song.


All I Want for Christmas



Written Time

2022 - 2023

Copyright Year


Copyright #




Original Album

Music for the Masses

Studio - Engineer

Oxford Road

Studio - Gear

Cubase, Focusrite Scarlet

Other Musicians




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