Info and Lyric

Sorta Maybe

Music and Lyric by David W. Jacobsen
Copyright 2022 - 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Slept through the morning
Woke up this afternoon
The way things are going
This day can't end too soon
I know in the evening
That you won't be there
But I only sorta maybe kinda care

Walking through day dreams
It's better than awake
All the things they promised
Turned out to be all fake
And when they tell me
That I'd best beware
Well I only sorta maybe kinda care

All this remembering
Wishing I'd forget
What good is knowing
The things that you regret
And when they catch me
Cheating at Solitaire
Well I only sorta maybe kinda care

Where am I going?
I'm not going
I'm still here
You say rock bottom?
That's not rock bottom
Hold my beer

When I was younger
I thought they promised more
But they were lying
This place is an eyesore
But where would I go
I've never been elsewhere
So I only sorta maybe kinda care

And when an answer
Is obvious to see
Got lost in anger
Or maybe apathy
Cause I'm not searching
They think I'm not aware
But I only sorta maybe kinda care

Being here together
This vessel that we ride
I'm pretty sure soon
That something will collide
Approaching the cliff's edge
Soon falling through the air
Still I only sorta maybe kinda care

Where am I going?
I'm not going
I'm still here
You say rock bottom?
That's not rock bottom
Hold my beer

I know who I am
And who you are not
Don't speak of better
I've seen such things just rot
Could I have left here?
I never had a prayer
So I only sorta maybe kinda care

This song has a few things going on. The opening lines are actually making fun of songs that open with "Woke up things morning," which is a pointless song opening, since most people get up in the morning. It isn't notable, while sleeping through the morning is. However, the rest of the song is about resignation and defeatism along with scorn for those you perceive as mocking you. This has a political element to it.


Sorta Maybe



Written Time

2022 - 2023

Copyright Year


Copyright #




Original Album

Music for the Masses

Studio - Engineer

Oxford Road

Studio - Gear

Cubase, Focusrite Scarlet

Other Musicians




Other Albums